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  • Writer's picturediyah ayu wibawani

Teaching Practice

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

1. Procedures of Teaching

Practice Teaching in Grade 7 - Archimedes

Before teaching in front of the class, a teacher should be prepared-well about what gonna teach to the students. Here in the MMSU-Laboratory High School, we the students were asked to make a lesson plan before teaching. As stated in our lesson plan, there were five procedures in teaching. There are:

1. Motivation

Before learning about topic that would be learned for the day, a motivation was given to the students in the form of quiz, the statements of the important of learning the topic.

2. Lesson Proper

Lesson Proper is the explanation of the material by the teacher. It is explained clearly by the teacher.

3. Lesson Presentation

In presenting a topic, the teacher can use the methods which appropriate to the topic. A group game can be the alternative to make the learning process fun and the students would not feel bored in the classroom.

4. Generalization

After all the materials and quizzes given to the students, in the end of the lesson the teacher gave a summary of the topic that the students have learned. The generalization could be in the form of discussion and directly giving a conclusion to the students.

5. Evaluation

The purpose of giving evaluation is to make sure that the students understand well about what they have learned. Evaluation could be in the form of quiz/question that should be done for about 5-10 minutes before the class ended. The result of the quiz usually would be given in the next day after the teacher correcting the answer of the students.

"Teaching is learning for me" - diyah

2. Time Management and Organizing Activities

The time allocation for teaching one subject every meeting is 1 hour. For 1 hour teaching you have to finish all the activities you have planned in the detailed lesson plan

3. Problem Solving

If there is over time to finish all the activities, usually the teacher tries to finish the explanation and the lesson proper first then the evaluation part become a homework for the students

4. Classroom Management

As I experienced in the classroom, not really much problem I faced. The common problems that I found were such as technical problem in LCD projector and the noisy class. The first problem could be solved by asking help to my friends and the students. The second problem needs a bit effort to make the students to keep pay attention to the lesson.

My experience was teaching Grade 7-Archimedes. As my MMSU student teachers and my mentor said they were very atractive and noisy. That was truth, when I entered the class and having discussion with them, they were very enthusiastic to the lesson. As the result, the class was not really condusive at that time. My effort and my solution were trying attracted them by asking them to clap their hand "once and twice". If the students started to make a noise I would say "Hi, clap once/clap twice", so that the students would clapping their hand once or twite and then silent. I think it could help manage the class to be condusive.

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